Saturday, December 25, 2010


Just relax with family and...

Have God's Peace, Love
Joy at Christmas,
Each and everyday
In the New Year, 2011!!!

VeeraMahal Franklin

Sunday, November 14, 2010

In The Grand Scheme III

Sit still silently.
Listening... to your heart-beat
Slowly breathing in and out
Focusing in... on
The nothingness of 'I'
The enormity and beauty of life,
The forever 'Now' and emerge
Feeling the bliss of your role
In the grand scheme of GOD!!!
Copyright©VeeraMahal Franklin

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Part II: In The Grand Scheme...

Nothing is coincidence...
An accident or mastery
Of mere human
Intelligence, logic
Or careful planning.
For after all that
Genius brainstorming
We lie helpless...
Food for tiniest beings!

Copyright©VeeraMahal Franklin

P.S._ Have you read the book "Genesis Code" by John Case?
Having been a Scientist and of Catholic faith, I thought the story was written marvelously. Excellent weaving of scientific facts with a religious twist to the story plot. Once I started reading I could not put it down; if I put it down I could not wait to get back to it. The ending was very cute!!!

In The Grand Scheme...

Listening to instinct,
The little true voice--
That speaks to you--
Turning around...
You may find yourself
Walking into a banquet
An expected guest, only
You didn't know--
Your GOD's within you!

Copyright©VeeraMahal Franklin

Author of

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Though Thousand Names...

Though Thousand Names… We Call!

We are all the same

Deep down in the heart

We all seek happiness

But go different routes

We yearn for Peace

Wish for Heavenly bliss, yet

We fight each other… in


You are my brother, my sister

Yellow, brown, black or white…

We are all one.

When you succeed

We too... are raised. For

We are ALL children of GOD!

Though thousand names

We call him… Almighty IS ONE!

Copyright©VeeraMahal Franklin

Author of

P.S._ I happened to watch a FOX SEARCHLIGHT movie called 'My Name is Khan.'

It's a wonderful movie. It makes you think about the unnecessary boundaries we create... blocking our happiness as one human race. It really stirs you up to scream and voice for PEACE for all!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Before The Red Walls!

I just came across this picture of our kitchen before my son "J" decided to paint it RED while we were vacationing in CANADA. An year ago my boys arranged us a weekend getaway, then picked up my favorite antiques which they thought were out-of-place and have made a generous donation to goodwill!

I was so... upset, but thought there was a lesson to learn: learning to let go. If I died the next day I would have had to leave them behind anyway. My friends who visited recently commented that without my antiques the house looks a little empty. I laughed and said of course but I am making up for the antiques... myself, in a way!

Don't believe me though---I really don't think that I ever get old!


Monday, September 6, 2010

Sky Lit Over The Bridge

Photo:Copyright VeerajaR

This is the first time we were able to witness this traditional Boom's day fireworks. It was a blast!

It's no wonder the highways and exit ramps were stagnant with cars at turtle's pace. People crowded all along the riverside, full of expectation; lots of them have been coming every year, for so many years, to watch this riverside boom's day fireworks over the bridge@ Knoxville, TN.

I'm sure it adds to the 1001 reasons, 200,000 people---I'm told---come home to TN and the Vols starting game of the year which happens a day earlier. Of course it'd be 200,000 +1 next year!!!

-by VeeraMahal Franklin

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Natchez Trace: A Non-commercialized Treasure!

An ancient Indian path/highway that runs 500 miles long from Natchez to Nashville cutting through three states--Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee--is a non-commercialized "Nature" treasure.

If Natchez Trace was the nation's first highway, this Natchez Trace bridge in Williamson County, Tennessee, is apparently the nation's first segmented concrete bridge built. You can see the people (and their vehicles) who have come to enjoy the fall colors along Natchez Trace passing/pausing atop the bridge. The view from up there is so... beautiful that I am glad this bridge is Williamson County's well kept "secret" treasure.

-by VeeraMahal Franklin

Saturday, July 31, 2010


PEACE can not exist in dreams. PEACE has to be alive in everyone's heart, in everyday life; then heaven would be right here!

I just watched the movie "Bobby"- a lively presentation of the Robert Kennedy presidential fever and the hope for PEACE all over the world. Listening to his timeless speech for the need to stop violence and bring peace, and dignity for each and every human being, makes you wonder- how one madman's senseless act has cut short a great LIFE/hope and the course for PEACE around the world.

Why do we not have many Martin Luther Kings, Robert Kennedys and Mahathma Ghandis? Wouldn't that be great for a change? A change that might bring heaven breeze down here on earth.

Let PEACE begin with each one of US!

Copyright ©2010 VeeraMahal Franklin

Friday, July 23, 2010

We woke up!

I have been able to read quite a few remarkable books lately, having some "time" thrown onto my lap. And finally I am convinced "New York Times Bestseller" really means something: ripe and delicious reading- not just satisfying, but literally soul probing!

The book "same kind of different As me" is a remarkable true story, a very spiritual tapestry woven by the intertwined lives of Denver Moore, a modern-day slave, and Ron Hall an affluent art dealer and his pretty, and intelligent turned pious, wife Debbie. It is amazing how the couple's charitable efforts towards Denver turned out to be spiritual lessons learned and often taught by this uneducated street hardened vagabond. These lessons and trust gained of the vagrants whom the couple thought they were saving/serving, actually gave back more through unconditional love and prayers for Debbie during her struggle with cancer. Those that seemed to have nothing gave abundantly through their prayers and vigil.

I love the part where Debbie, seeking to collect spiritual beads everyday, finds out the mystery behind a desperately stoned drug addict's happy smile. He says "I woke up today!" Touched deeply by this naked truth, the couple started greeting each other every morning with a cheerful "we woke up!"

This simple fact--being able to wake up into a new day--resonates with our helplessness and the greatness of God. Waking up into a new day is a good enough reason to be HAPPY every day, each and every morning!

Stop complaining about work or other pressing issues/people as you wake up. Just take a moment, breathe in and breathe out. Breathe in..., and hold! Think what you are blessed with: life it self, the greatest gift from GOD!

I thank GOD for having the time to read soul probing books like "same kind of different As me." May God bless us---despite our own shortcomings---to have positive impact on others while we still hold the gift of life. And may be, just may be, even after we have passed on to wake up on the heavenly side!!!

P.S._ Title of the book is given “As” is!

Copyright ©2010 VeeraMahal Franklin

Monday, June 28, 2010

Hello from London!

Regal... Silver Jubilee!
Copyright © 2010 by VeerajaR

We have been to London to visit the...
Apple of my Eye & London Eye!
Photos:Copyright © 2010 by VeerajaR

London? Got to have a picture with a decker!

Copyright © 2010 VeeraMahal Franklin

Monday, May 31, 2010

Bridges Crossed

"Seize the moment and smell the roses!" We all heard it; but we really need to pay attention. Life is full of surprises and possibilities. Let's take it in stride, bravely crossing the bridges...!

By VeeraMahal Franklin

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Little Romance

Maggie's friend: Handsome and tolerant!

Photo: Copyright©2010 by VeerajaR

Isn't that a cute picture?

-VeeraMahal Franklin

Friday, April 30, 2010

Rummage Sale!

Rummage Sale!

What is it?
Learning to let go-or
Searching for nostalgic trinkets
What is it?
Clearing the clutter-or
Hunting for treasure
What is it...
That nudges us to rummage
Sweating on a hot summer day?

A Foreign Experience:

Arrived newly in America-everything
Seemed big except the apartment
Where went all the space and air?
Bought you a hair dryer, my husband said.
Cost me only a dollar at 'Rummage' sale! I
Exclaimed: Duty free shops, then, ripping us off?

Good Deal for Young Mothers:

Two dollars said the teenager-for
Tantalizing silver robot with
Batteries and all, eyes lighting up!
Two year old of mine, lifting up the
Toy, held him close tenderly. Wide-
Eyed, he brought home a buddy!

My First Very Own Rummage Sale:

Ten dollars said the sticker
For the dress on my favorite wicker
Displaying the goods. To my
Dismay, the bargainer would not
Buy the dress, but only my wicker piece
For half the sticker price.

Copyright ©2010 by VeeraMahal Franklin. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, April 25, 2010






Copyright © 2010, by VeeraMahal Franklin

Saturday, April 3, 2010

HAPPY EASTER!!! A.D. 2010!

Happy Easter!
As a co-author of this book

---just released in time for Easter celebration and devotion---
I am humbled by the SPIRIT of GOD and the power of faith and fellowship!

This book is currently available for purchase at the Landmark Booksellers and St. Phillip Catholic Church Bookstore in historic Franklin, Tennessee.

-by VeeraMahal Franklin
(Co-founder of The Franklin Faithwriters)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Blessed and Multiplied!

You can meditate
Give it all up- but me...
A favorite of Lord Jesus---
Blessed and multiplied,
Do not hesitate!

The pope has permission
To devour me...
Even at Lent.
Of course I am enticing
For no sin of mine!

You can meditate
Give it all up-but me...
Do not hesitate!

I am just a fish
In a spicy dish,
Devour me!

Copyright © 2010 by VeeraMahal Franklin

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Nature's Colors: Perfectly Matched!

Do you see...
The birds seemed to be perched
Where the colors are matched...

The Robin

Downy Wood-Pecker

The Hawk

The Pigeon

A Sparrow?

Do you see
How magnificent... our Creator IS?

*You should read Oprah's 2010- March issue of 'O' magazine where she writes in AWE of Nature; she is truly Blessed to have touched that realm of O' (AWE) moment!!!

Copyright © 2010 by VeeraMahal Franklin

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

-Greetings from VeeraMahal Franklin!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Inclement Weather!

Day One: A thick sheet of snowy... ice table top!

Day Two: A snow blanket for a table cloth?

Inclement Weather?
Oh...Incredible Nature!!!

By VeeraMahal Franklin

Monday, January 18, 2010

Non-Violence: Dr. Martin Luther King's Voice Resonates

"I Have A Dream"

King's "voice for the oppressed" still resonates...

As a beacon of hope

-in the hearts of the oppressed-

Around the world.

The King's voice resonated

Upholding Mahathma Gandhi's

Non-violence principle

Noble Peace prize endowed!

Dr. King's Voice still resonates...
"We shall have to repent in this generation,
not so much for the evil deeds of the wicked people, but
for the appalling silence of the GOOD people."

Let US raise our VOICE for PEACE...
Let it resonate around the WORLD!

Upholding non-violence-and
RIGHTS for the Oppressed
Onward in Dr. King's Dream-with
Obama's Noble PEACE prize...
Let US VOICE for non-violence
Justice to resolve oppression-and
Let PEACE resonate around the world!!!

May PEACE & NON-VIOLENCE Resonate Around the WORLD!

-by VeeraMahal Franklin

Thursday, January 14, 2010




-By VeeraMahal Franklin

During the holidays, I enjoyed reading "The Wits & Wisdom of Benjamin Franklin" by Barnes & Nobles.

" Who is wise?
He that learns from everyone.
Who is powerful?
He that governs his passions.
Who is rich?
He that is content.
Who is that?

Such a wise quote---kind of teasing & challenging---I had to share with you! I am sure we are up to the challenge!