Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Kaleido Red RiceDelight

A Kaleido  Luncheon

worthy of a Queen

Made of  rice red

fitness filled - fit

even for an emperor...

yet not expensive

that anyone can afford

if paid attention 

and got the right stuff

Can have a feast

for all five senses

to serve and share

to fill and flow

from Heart to Soul!

Copyright©2022VeeraMahal Franklin

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Yogis at Reach - 2022

Yogis at Reach - 2022

Legacy continues...
As Yogis
Skip generations
on the beach
Balancing on Sand
Time stands still!

 Copyright©2022VeeraMahal Franklin

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

One Sip

Life is Wonderful
Like Wine...
the all flavors
One sip at a time!

Copyright©2022VeeraMahal Franklin


Sunday, July 31, 2022

Compost Crop

Compost FOOD Crop
Composting Kitchen waste and more for a few years now.... Trying to be Organic and all. Started with buying the whole Composting container with the innoculum fom a neighbor with specific instruction not to put Onion in the compost.
So we had been enjoying our own Black Gold brightening our gardening and we saw earthworms. But never added vermi stuff & didn't feel the need. We often find tropical fruit seedlings take off through the slits or vent holes as soon as Spring hits. These included mangoes, Papayas, Pomegrantes and this year even Pinnapple.
As my Hubby was openning the Compost to surprise me with the Pinnapple Sprout... I was taken a-back by these fatty little critters wiggling and crawling all over in the compost. I thought ' Oh, no.... this looks like the end of composting and Eathworms!

I forgot at that moment my Experiential belief that Nature is much more intelligent than the scientist. Nature comes out a winner again - as I researched to find what these little critters are.... I was thoroughly impressed. These are the underdog Express Composters at work.

How did we get them? We are lucky our Composting system has attracted the Black Soldier flies. These wigglers are Larvae of Black Soldier flies (not harmful or not the sit on poop & sit on food kind)) and they chomp up everything from kitchen compost to animal wastes including bacteria that you shouldn't be worried about Ecoli in your organic compost. What an incentive!!!

That's not all.... As these Larvae ( maggots) eat and grow fat they become a great source of Protein and fat. Their protein content is higher than that of Soy. So why waste time and money with Soy based food for pets? 

Have you bought mealworms to feed your backyard birds? These are like that. Do you know these BSLarvae/ Maggots are like M&Ms for chickens and they make great feed for fish too?! 

I won't be surprised if these High Protein dudes end up on Exquisite dinning Restaurante platters. There are critters and maggots consumed already as a good Proteing source. This one definitely beats all Nature/s ingenius designs: Compost to straight FOOD....  

Wow, imagine from Kichen Garbage to - a month Compost break - become FOOD back into Pan & Platter! Bon appétit!

Copyright©2022VeeraMahal Franklin

P.S._ We realized we have inadvertantly killed one or two Black Soldier flies with Fly swat - as they look like black wasps. They have an ANXed flying pattern and were hovering over us as we were mixing compost with soil. Now we know why they were hovering around. Sorry friends.... RIP!

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Hot Hundred Degrees

Hot Hundred Degrees

what do you do -

haiku and pickle?


slice and salt them limes

sprinkle turmeric 

syllables to haiku...

😀why not pickle your Limes...

when nature gives you 

🌟hot hundred degrees

🙏Haikuips... JoyPoet VeerajaR🌹 

Copyright©2022VeeraMahal Franklin

Sunday, May 1, 2022


Why not a SangriYoga?

Copyright©2022VeeraMahal Franklin

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

FROGI Master

 FROGI Master

Frogi knee

    Bend one

    Stretch one

Frogi Front 

    Toes reach to sky

    Goes the other glide

Frogi Head

    Eyes closed

    With a big smile

Frogi Master Transcending

!!! !!! !!!


Copyright©2022VeeraMahal Franklin

Monday, March 14, 2022

Basil For Health

Basil for Health
Drink Basil for Health! 

These are my favorite drinks - especially in summer. They quech your thirst and energize you not mentioning the multitudes of health benefits. 

Basil is great for lung health and purifying blood. In many Middle Eastern and South Asian countries, they do makeicy-cold milky drinks called Sherbet or Faluda containing these basils seeds. 

As children we loved these drinks & the geletinous texture of the soaked seeds. Even gather these seeds in the wild flower beds covered in hoverig Butterflies, dragon flies & bees and soak in milk or water to make our child verson of Sherbet... Just magical!

Copyright©2022VeeraMahal Franklin 

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Just Be

Just Be


Frogi  Yogi

Be Me!

Copyright©2022VeeraMahal Franklin

Monday, January 31, 2022

Warm Up Yogi


Warm Up - Just FIVE Breaths Each
Every Morning
Feel Energized & Ralaxed
Like A Yogi
Always with A Smile!

Friday, January 21, 2022

Maggie -RIP

 Maggie -RIP

A Space Empty Around the house...
Filled in our Hearts 
With Joyful Memories!
Copyright©2022VeeraMahal Franklin

Wednesday, January 5, 2022


 Save the world

One step at a time

Feel this moment

The blessings around you

The earth that carries you

Whether you paid attention or not

Like a mother....

Why not start today

And stop cluttering the world

What I throw out

Even to recycle

May end up 

At the door step or backyard of another 

human being halfway across the world

Isn't in my power

To make it better

Every action I take

To be one step closer

To a better world

Cleaner earth....

Today -

I washed all emptied packages with Ziplock

Once dry they are good as new

To freeze in my cut veggies 

Even to store cut lemons in fridge

A lesson I learned from my Child

Who wants a better world

A thriving Earth for his Child!

Copyright©2022VeeraMahal Franklin