Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Blue Blessings!

Spring is here!!!
And my garden is waking up from winter sleep. As nature's wild and vibrant messengers the--so called--weeds sprout everywhere and of course the perennials.

I was fascinated by weeds even as a child, because the butterflies seemed to like them a lot. And in college, I did a seminar presentation on weeds and my research further convinced me that the term "weeds" is for human being and has nothing to do with the plants. GOD created everything for a purpose and we as human beings like to label everything relating to us.

We hear the ads: Weed them out! Spray at site, etc., etc... But, weeds still thrive and persist. May be GOD made the weeds extra resilient, because HE knew human nature. Definitely, we do not have answers to everything.
Do you like these blue blessings from my garden? Can you tell which is the weed and which is garden plant? Really?

These blue blessings, from my garden, display the beauty as GOD intended---just trusting Almighty GOD's wisdom!

Copyright©2011 VeeraMahal Franklin

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Memories of Childhood Bliss!

Hello! Your voice rings…

After decades—over the phone,

I hear—from continents apart. Our

Kids are older than we were

When we saw last, but

The grade-school lunch of potatoes

You shared, smells appetizingly fresh

Of childhood bliss—from wherever

The memories are held!

Poetry: Copyright ©2011VeeraMahal Franklin