Saturday, December 19, 2009

Present at Christmas!

Present at Christmas!

Christmas is near
Chores abound to bare
Greetings to be mailed
Ginger bread & candies made
Presents bought in spree- and
Placed under the tree!

What would you
Want for Christmas?
Plenty of Gold... A
Planet. A star?
Wrapped, trimmed and
Placed under the tree?

Christmas is here-but
All I want Dear... is
YOU be Present home
Warming your mother's
Heart, while presents are
Placed under the tree!

What more would I...
Want for Christmas?
A star... of course
A shining ray from- The
Prince of Peace
Placed in my heart!

-Poetry by VeeraMahal Franklin

Copyright ©by VeeraMahal Franklin

Sunday, November 29, 2009


For the welcoming smile
Deep from the heart-an
Extended hand of Friendship
A word of kindness-silent
Moments of understanding-or
Hours of happy chatting
For all that we share
Big or small-I am

For the sparks you bring
Brightening my days-and
The blessing you are...
Wise and resourceful-A
Teacher, a leader, a friend-or
A child, young and joyful...
In your own way
You make my life
A blissful one, Thank YOU!

-Copyright © 2009 by VeeraMahal Franklin

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Autumn Dusk

Lady Cardinal enjoying my feast!
Lord Cardinal perched upon my arbor of snake beans!Now perched above the herbs, Pomegranate, Curry leaves, Tangerine and Jasmin growths.
Mrs. Robins and Mr. Robins ordering dinner!
Well dressed and looking very elite!
I am not sure who is who... But the squirrel pair is enjoying their acorn & nuts hunt!!!
I bet this one looks just like the Nachos eating one (posted: Summer 2008) from Canada!!!

There were pigeons, sterlings and so many others hiding in the trees sending out calls; it was a lovely autumn dusk!!!

By VeeraMahal FRANKLIN

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Good Tidings!

Who said Butterfly Bush is for butterflies only? I see pretty Moths, Bees, Bumble Bees, Ladybugs and of course... Hummingbirds hovering over the honey dripping scented flowers.

Do you see me? Hmm... I love sunflowers; the seeds are delicious. Even Hawks can't spot me while I am feeding on sunflowers---God knew what He was doing when painting my feathers yellow and black. But this butterfly bush is too good to pass by... so, perched I am---a goldfinch---bringing "Good Tidings."

The other reason why I stopped by... was that I heard a Parakeets--chirping-- party going on, and I thought I spotted at least two of them who could be my relatives!!! If you don't believe me, check the Sept.7th posting and let me know!

If you want to learn more about Goldfinch follow this link:

-by VeeraMahal Franklin

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Surrogate Mom in a Parakeet family?

Siblings:Tides & Clouds
Mixed Parenting: Dad Sunny & Surrogate Mom feeding the keetlings! It may not be in the dictionary; but I like the term "keetlings" for the parakeet babies. May be we should all take a vote on it!
Foresty: The supermom brooding over Tides (in front) & Clouds.
As I suspected SKY was brooding over the eggs & hatched keelimgs. Even if it was for a minute Sky seized the opportunity and seemed to be on the look out.

I wonder whether Tides & Clouds are actually the babies of Sky & Nightly. It seems very logical and would explain why Sky & even Nightly were as eager as Sunny & Foresty in taking care of Tides & Clouds. Another point: None of the keetlings from the next broods were blue!!!

Copyright 2009 by VeeraMahal Franklin

Monday, September 7, 2009

Report of A Mishap!

This is Spring (3rd brood) & Summer(2nd brood), both Foresty and Sunny/Tweety's babies- all grown up and pretty-ready in their brand new cage to go to their new home, to my Godson. He just turned four and all very excited about the two little new friends.

Yes, we did have some unfortunate and unbelievable events that shakes you up! You know that our birds have enjoyed freedom, entertaining us with maneuvers of jet flights of high caliber seen only at airshows. When Foresty- a superMOM- had her last brood of six keetlings (!!!), some friends of ours were staying for the weekend with us. Despite our birds being the center of attention, our human friend had thoughtlessly left our front door wide open while loading his bags into the car. The birds, as usual, took off on their jet swoop and unfortunatly Foresty joined in for her once a day flight exercise. My husband who just came out of the home-office room not realizing the impending misfortune had to be the unwilling witness; he helplessly watched Foresty swooping in, circling as usual at highspeed, trying to avoid the door and flew straight out the front door- into the vastness of the dangerous world outside...!

I was at a writers' meeting that morning, and when I came back the bird cage was outside with some of the keerlings- my husband's attempt at trying to give cue to Foresty, just in case she is flying around in the vicinity. We even left Maggie out in the yard so her barks might reach Foresty's ears, but to no avail!

Our friends have long gone... to start their life in a new city and I curbed my emotions at loosing Foresty and prayed for her and our friends- to find new friends in their new environment. We were worried for the six keetlings of the last brood of which three were only a week old. Sunny/Tweety was flying around the house looking high and low for Foresty and chirping calls that sounded very desperate even to our human ears. It was the most sad thing to comprehend; Sunny left with a brood of young chicks and Foresty- the most dedicated mom among pets I have everknown- stripped of her home and her young brood which she probably was looking for far and wide where ever she was.

Finally that night, Sunny, the dad heed the chicks hungry calls and went in to the nest and slowly started feeding them and soon he got so busy feeding the keetlings-a blessing in disguise-he did not seem to be looking or thinging about Foresty. But I could tell he has not forgotten her because Sky, who also has lost her mate Nightly by the same incident- could not draw Sunny's attention despite her attempts and chirps. Sunny had turned into a living breathing feeding machine, and to our amazment all the chicks grew as healthy as they could while poor Sunny looked skinnier and skinnier by the day.

Worried about Sunny, we removed the babies out into a basket earlier than we usually do and were happy to see that the older babies were able to peck on seeds and help feeding the younger ones. Sunny, is a Hero among fathers and Foresty, a role model for moms; what a feat... three sets of broods leading to eleven keetlings!

Thank God for the perseverance of Sunny- all the keetlings are healthy and now, that they do not depend on him, he has put on weight and looking his very best and the brightest yellow of them all. The greenest of them all -our Foresty, I hope and pray that she already found a backyard bird feeder and some friendly humans to whom she could trust her life!

They just seemed to have fun as a team and if... Foresty was not lost, they would have produced another brood happily- at free will! Of course, we humans were at their service. These birds have taught us a lot about life and especially the joy of simple dynamics of life; share and care!

-by VeeraMahal Franklin

Friday, August 21, 2009

Deliciously Healthy Happiness!

A Cup full of HAPPINESS to dive in:

Vanilla Icecream... topped with berries brimming with antioxidants!

Wow! Only GOD is capable of devicing such ingenius wonders.

All we have to do is...

Be THANKFUL and Enjoy!

By VeeraMahal Franklin

Monday, July 27, 2009

Inspiring Nature

Awe stricken by the heavenly display of nature-wide
Awake I loll, watching the drama of morn outside, the
Lake was still sleepy pulling misty sheets over it-while
Dawn was rolling the mist away, making way for sun to smile!

Still as a photograph the beauty of the lake
Spilled inside out... hushing all chaos away
Filling in the depths of thirsting souls, taken
Fully complacent... to mirror God's beauty away!

Falling 256 feet, this is the tallest water fall in the southeast USA.

Deers crossing...

And grazing...
From dawn till dusk!

From cascading water falls...
To hanging bridges,

Spectacular Natural beauty...
Made me feel jealous... of these
Spectators... who call this place home!!!

Copyright © 2009 VeeraMahal Franklin

Monday, July 20, 2009

First Bloom

First Bloom of water Lily; my dream come true!

All you need is... a wide mouth bucket, water...
and lots of sunshine!
Take a minute... to relax and enjoy!!!

P.S_Definitely, Labradors should be prohibited!

Copyright © 2009 VeeraMahal Franklin

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Cauldrons of Blazing Fire

Cauldrons of blazing fire...
May burn beneath fiercely,
At every step a leader takes...
What a lasting history it makes!

As a leader melts to the core...
Sees visions as never before-
Churning each atom to mold,
Beams... anew- bright as gold!

Copyright © 2009 -by VeeraMahal Franklin

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sun Sets Only to Rise

Sun sets on the horizon...
only to rise
Brighter than ever- the

very next morning!
Such is a true leader...
even to demise
Mightier than ever-by
misery thwarted, rejoicing!

Copyright © 2009 by VeeraMahal Franklin

Saturday, May 9, 2009

AU Visit-2009

The Eye Catchers...

Count the Koalas!

Is that an Old Gum tree?

Are you wondering what's in my pouch?
Oh... the passport; of course it's important!

VeeraMahal Franklin

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Smile Worth a Thousand Words

Enjoying a ferry ride around Circular Quay (pronounced "key"), in Sydney Australia!
VeeraMahal Franklin

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Parakeet Babies

Pictures worth a thousand words!

Who is the proud MOM? Avian OR Human?

Looking so feeble & frail...
Parakeets are all about sharing & caring. I am just a learner!

Beauty emenating with peace & unity

We call them CLOUDS & TIDES!


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Jacuzzi Garden

When the bird bath is still frozen...

Do you dream or wish...

You still have your herbal garden thriving...
I did. But not anymore!
I do have a thriving herbal garden that keeps me happy through the winter. As you can deduce from above, I just had to opt for shower baths!
What could be a better location than your bathroom-to keep your Lavender, Cinnamon Basil, Mint, Lemon Balm, Curry leaf plant and Jasmin surviving through winter!
Yes! You are not imagining. I do have my tangerines and Pomegranate plants raised from seeds of the tastiest, store bought fruits. I may need a green house eventually.
Who knows...I might be lucky enough to have that dream come true-with my Parakeets and colorful Hibiscus as part of that tropical greenhouse ecosystem.
What would I be without dreams?
-VeeraMahal FRANKLIN

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Parakeet baby is Born!

Seven Eggs! I am sure Sky has contributed to this collection. Could you see the tell-tale blue feather of Sky? You can also see Tweety's yellow feather on the opposite side. But we have figured out that Tweety is a male. But, if Sky's eggs hatch Nightly would be the father. Nevertherless, Foresty is brooding and Tweety is the "man of the nest"; that's the declared law among the birds as we see it.
Motherly Pride shining through ...

Do you know how much sacrifice, patience and tolerance goes behind this simple act of brooding? For example, see the next two pictures below:

A) The normal Parakeet P!

B) The brooding mom's "P"

B) is Foresty-the mom's P, relieved during her once a day, out of nest expedition. Holding all that in...what a big sacrifice! The finger is not to point, but to convey the relative size between the normal non-brooding vs brooding mom parakeet "P."
I know what you are thinking!

Yes, I guess the "crazy scientist mind" is still kicking in--time to time! But, then on second thought... I must have been born with this-crazy scientist brain or instinct for exploration. Or is it nature and nurture? For more details, click on the link "dedication to mother."

Now coming back to our brooding keet we have our chick or keetling born exactly after 18 days. When I took this picture the following morning the chick already seems much bigger than the eggs and sitting up, eventhough looking very feeble.
On the day of the birth, I heard the feeble chick-voice past midnight amidst the excited Parakeets chirps. Okay....! I was working late sitting at the dinning table. I felt the impending special event from the way-all of them sitting right in front of the nest, chirping excitedly when I came home that evening!
You should see how they function as an extended family, pitching in to take care of both Foresty & the keetling. Foresty still does not eat grains or fruits from the feeder. She gets fed and then she feeds the chick. Isn't it amazing? Or is it amazing-only because of our human brain having miscalculated happiness by substracting the extensions from "family" to a very small circle or even just to a mere "me & mine"?
-by VeeraMahal FRANKLIN

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just Watch and Learn God's Ways and Nature's Wonders

Our parakeets had one egg in the nest; then… there were two. That was three weeks ago. By Feb.7th there were five... then SIX eggs and our green keet Foresty was brooding. She was all fluffed up looking 3x her normal size-one loving dedicated incubator.

On Valentine’s Day there were SEVEN eggs. The other buddies "Tweety & Sky" were feeding her and even get inside the nest for quite awhile-keeping her company. They are doing a great job of feeding Foresty-because she rarely comes out. Is it possible one of them or both of them contributing to Foresty’s egg collection? Is it possible for one parakeet to lay all those eggs?
One fact is clear. “Nightly” the dark blue one is a male and he is never allowed inside the nest. Tweety had been very protective of the nest and fought many ferocious battles with Nightly to keep him at bay. That implies… Tweety is a male-but having pink beak goes against the common belief! It is interesting that eventually, Sky got Foresty’s approval and was able to go into the nest. Is she keeping company - helping out a friend -providing food and even eggs to brood over?

When Foresty makes her once or twice a day appearance, other three get so... excited;chirping a lot, all four of them swoop around the house. It is like the well coordinated jet squad flight maneuver in an air show.
That shows Foresty is well feed and I guess she is getting her daily exercise at flight time. As soon as they are back at the nest Foresty goes straight to the nest entrance and other two-Tweety & Sky peck her and encourage her to go in. Then they check her out through the side window that they have made on the basket as if to make sure she is comfortable. Most of the time Tweety seem to go in and tuck her in (sort of)!
We were excited at first then started to worry a little about the number of eggs. But as we watch them taking care of the matron brooding over the eggs, feeding her and enticing her to take regular flight exercise, we are convinced –that our keets know... what they are doing!
We probably under-estimate their capabilities and think -all they need is shelter, water, food and little attention. Even worse if we think that they are pretty little things just providing us some fun.

We thought our parakeets needed some freedom; they have shown us that little freedom can do wonders!

Copyright © 2009 by VeeraMahal FRANKLIN