Saturday, February 27, 2010

Nature's Colors: Perfectly Matched!

Do you see...
The birds seemed to be perched
Where the colors are matched...

The Robin

Downy Wood-Pecker

The Hawk

The Pigeon

A Sparrow?

Do you see
How magnificent... our Creator IS?

*You should read Oprah's 2010- March issue of 'O' magazine where she writes in AWE of Nature; she is truly Blessed to have touched that realm of O' (AWE) moment!!!

Copyright © 2010 by VeeraMahal Franklin

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

-Greetings from VeeraMahal Franklin!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Inclement Weather!

Day One: A thick sheet of snowy... ice table top!

Day Two: A snow blanket for a table cloth?

Inclement Weather?
Oh...Incredible Nature!!!

By VeeraMahal Franklin