Sunday, August 30, 2020

Leafy Leaks On Kitchen Window

During pandemic every bit of food item is precious. Especially, fresh green vegetables... Here is how I grew leaks from the cut out stump we normally throw out. All you need is patience, water & preferably kitchen window sill or Florescent light would be fine. 

Note the roots & the growth above the cut end of stump, almost a foot after 1&1/2 weeks. You can use it to flavor your soup of if you prefer, you can plant it in a pot. it can provide you regular size leaves and even flower and bear seeds to expand your garden

 Copyright©2020VeeraMahal Franklin

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Cucumber Pest

Pest control the organic way.... Diligent checking of the leaf undersides & removal by hand (tissues) & applying Neem powder to affected leafs & pinched stalks. The bugs were carefully wrapped in tissues & flushed in toilet, Good Bye!
Copyright©2020VeeraMahal Franklin


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Organic Harvest

Every little effort counts.... 
One little produce harvested 
though may have a worm hole - is worth every bite in gold!!!

 Copyright©2020VeeraMahal Franklin