Monday, January 18, 2010

Non-Violence: Dr. Martin Luther King's Voice Resonates

"I Have A Dream"

King's "voice for the oppressed" still resonates...

As a beacon of hope

-in the hearts of the oppressed-

Around the world.

The King's voice resonated

Upholding Mahathma Gandhi's

Non-violence principle

Noble Peace prize endowed!

Dr. King's Voice still resonates...
"We shall have to repent in this generation,
not so much for the evil deeds of the wicked people, but
for the appalling silence of the GOOD people."

Let US raise our VOICE for PEACE...
Let it resonate around the WORLD!

Upholding non-violence-and
RIGHTS for the Oppressed
Onward in Dr. King's Dream-with
Obama's Noble PEACE prize...
Let US VOICE for non-violence
Justice to resolve oppression-and
Let PEACE resonate around the world!!!

May PEACE & NON-VIOLENCE Resonate Around the WORLD!

-by VeeraMahal Franklin

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