Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Greetings!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
for being the BLESSING(S)....... THEY ARE...!!!
Picture Depicts the Indo-Ceylon Thanksgiving; Harvest Festival
Courtyard Cooking Centerpiece!
Copyright © 2008 VeeraMahal
This decorative centerpiece is designed of White Rice (Center Square), Mung Beans (Green), Mysore Lentil (Orange) and indegenous Red Rice (outermost pink layer), and as usual in the courtyard (center of the extended family house with open roof). As you can see Beetle leaves or Mango leaves are used to intensify the symbolic beauty and prosperity. You may notice the red floor-the most popular floor color- especially in Ceylon, for courtyards and porticos. The shapes and design of the centerpiece can vary and limited only by the imagination or the availability of supplies.
A new earthenware is carefully chosen from the local market and used for harvest celebration. It is customary for the "man of the house"-the rice winner of the family- to put the first handfulls of red rice from the year's harvest into the pot of boiling milk. You should see the excitement when the milk boils & rises. The only thing I remember is... that it is believed to be very auspicious, if the milk boils over & over-flows eastward facing the rising sun. I am sure it is a way of recognizing the essential role the sun plays in reaping the year's harvest.
Once the boiled milk flows over, roasted mung beans-Raisins, Cashews, Nutmeg, Cardomom, Vanilla are added in slowly and while stirring jaggery (brown sugary extract from the Palmyrah palm inflorescence) is added. The preparation is first served for the family's ancestors who have passed on and then shared with everyone-relatives, neighbours and less fortunate ones. If you wonder, how is it possible to share what is prepared in this small pot with so many poeple-yes, they do say-even if it is a sesame seed divide into eight and share!
Ok... Ok! I'll let you in on the secret. As soon as the first handfull is put in the auspicious pot in the courtyard, a huge pot goes up inside the kitchen (usually in the backside of the house), to prepare large scale milkrice for sharing and feeding the poor. Even the crows and the ants are fed from the decorative layers of the centerpiece-once the festive rituals are over. No one goes to bed hungry that day; for it is a day of Thanksgiving!
P.S.: This picture was taken two years back during my visit to Ceylon-a tropical paradise often referred to as 'Pearl of the Indian Ocean' and 'Island of Serendipity', world famous for high quality precious Gems and Tea.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
What's in a name?
What is it about "O" and ChicagO?
and Obama!
If you have an "O" in your name,
Go to ChicagO and be FamOus!
Sears TOwer!
Even the streets-
Ofcourse even the state name had to have an"O"
Any DOubts? NO MOre? GOOd!!
Copyright © 2008 VeeraMahal FRANKLIN
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Literally Adorable
Literally Adorable-A
Literate Dog?
Did Maggie really get the message on her new friend's paw? Definitely, she is curious as to where the squeaky noise is coming from! She just loves her plush friend and carries it around inside the house and even outdoors. At times she rests her head on her teddy bear- just like all of us little girls.
Only difference is that she will not be satisfied until she traces the location of that noisy lump of a squeeky and removes it. But, her love does not deminish for that poor little torn up pal- with stuffings spilling out.
She just loves anything tropical and especially, coconut. She would work hard at the fibrous sheath and the shell to get to the soft white pit, which she is crazy about. Watching her do that always makes me wonder!Isn't that what GOD does? Isn't he always trying hard to get through our complex vanity and pride mesh and toughest greedy possessive minds, to get to our pure souls trapped inside?
Maggie loves Ice. The way she tries to chew the cubes without letting them slip through her mouth... is lovely to watch. You can see- she got her prize-a big chunk of ice. She would keep at it for hours-taking short breaks. She is very good at using her HANDS effectively!
-by VeeraMahal Franklin
P.S.: Looks like she is a left hander;I just realized looking at these pictures.
VeeraMahal Franklin
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Hawks in My Bird Bath
Remember the Hawk couple nesting in our neighborhood!
All of a sudden it struck me that the Hawk couple might be using our Bird Bath. I did not have to wait too long-once I started keeping my eyes open. You should have seen it to believe;Hawks frolicking in my birdie bath! All I have are these mere pictures.
At noon on a hot July day, a Hawk sat still at the edge of the bath for at least ten minutes before turning its head 360 scanning the area. Finally, sliding into the bath graciously (or in Hawk's term CAUTIOUSLY), started dipping and splashing around. I wondered where did all this water come from; I never realized my bird bath held that much water. Once the coast was clear the partner joined in. I am pretty sure he or she kept watch from a tree branch up above. I was on the porch hiding behind the butterfly bush and the Honeysuckles.
They are huge birds and I have sadly witnessed their ferocious appetite and the feeble calls of victimized birdie babies. But, it was a rare sight to witness these birds of prey frolicking in my birdie bath like any of the other backyard birds. Soon they forgot themselves and were like children in the swimming pool.
What an amazing sight! They spent nearly half-an-hour bathing. I wished then... I had a better camera-so I could zoom in from far away. May be Santa will bring me one for this Christmas!
But, as suddenly as they came to the neighborhood in March-the Hawks have left suddenly and quietly in early August. That story is for another time!
-by VeeraMahal Franklin
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Helper in The Garden
Doggy Digging in the garden-aren't you
Maggie... with a tail so thick and
wagging, sniffing bunny tracks' and
begging... the snail to stop on it trail?
-by VeeraMahal FRANKLIN
Copyright © 2008 VeeraMahal FRANKLIN
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
A Trip Tale
Fom Here to there... always looking for heaven,
Below are some pictures from my trip to... you guess where!
Vast Scape of powerline beauty
Powerful and imposing architectural beauty
Beautiful View from Mount Royal-
Below are two beautiful but very different trains...
Is this one welcoming guests OR Guarding the Entry?
Last week of my vacation-spent in amusement due to this accomodating squirrel,
-By VeeraMahal Franklin
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Mid-Summer Dream
It is magical!
Just try to decorate an evergreen bush with bubbles-you will know what I am taking about. I may be very grown up, but my facination with bubbles still not thwarted; thank God!
I love the way the rainbow colors dance around making each bubble unique and magical. Is that how God feels about each of us? I often wonder-watching the bubbles! One early misty summer morning, me and my Godson figured out that we could have a christmas tree-complete with decorations. Most of the bubbles we made just lodged on to the evergreen, transforming it into a magical christmas tree.
Ofcourse, why not have a christmas tree middle of summer or even everyday? Just need bubbles and a child's heart/help.
Teaching a kid, kid-stuff? Very Important!!! This is the most enjoyable teaching experience I have ever had!
-by VeeraMahal FRANKLIN
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Beauty Parade-2008
Picture is worth a thousand words; how true! I am lost for words looking at these beauties and having a hard time picking a favourite. They are all very competitive, dressed up so elegantly and parading gracefully in the wind!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Fruits- Gifts...of Heavens and Earth
Are they indeed fruits of my labor? Looking at them made me realize they are really gifts from the heavens and earth.

We all do have a piece of heaven in our own garden!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Independence Celebration!
We have a lot to celebrate; long gone are slavery and colonialism. We are all one-human race; in almighty God we trust!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Birdie Bath
Being an avid bird watcher-birds indoors-is a little out of taste for me. However, my son "J" convinced me the birds are better off with me than at the pet shop being in a crowded cage. So I ended up with these pretty little parakeets-flying wild in my house. Finally, I figured out how to provide a birdie bath for them. Just remove the top cover of their water feeder, once in a while-they just go wild & crazy! You can see for yourself how they enjoy bath-time!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
My Favourite Old Couple
How old could you be... I often wonder
How many storms and how many cold winters
Thou two shared and weathered, I do wonder
Bowing not of old age but of love still tender
Show of strength and endurance, I ponder
Now and forever accepting God's plan... You do inspire!
Copyright © 2008 VeeraMahal FRANKLIN
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Rasberries- Nature's Anti-Oxidant Capsules for Good Health!
What an accomplishment could it be... holding a handfull of rasberries? Oh, I am very proud! Starting with a small twig with three leaves that were contemplating whether to wither or rasberry bush and I have come a longway! We are the resilient ones-with a little encouragement would sprout and fruit bountiful.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
IRIS- Mighty May Blooms & Birthdays
Amidst the Grape vine and the Hostas... Avidly glowing bright and blue shows
Angelic face of my pride Iris
Another May... has come she says!
May, is a month of many a Birth-
Days to remember... from my Grandpa who
Lays at our Lord's feet having same Birth-
Day as my dear brother,then my nephew... And my Mother(in-law) Agnes who loves
Handling my plants- cropping, clipping
And suprising even shocking me at times...In-
Tending Only Good- May GOD Bless 'em All!-By VeeraMahal FRANKLIN