Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fruits- Gifts...of Heavens and Earth

Are they indeed fruits of my labor? Looking at them made me realize they are really gifts from the heavens and earth.

I devour them more with my eyes than with my palate. The scents of ripe peach on the tree permeate through my breath into brain reaching for my soul.......
Is gardening an effort to recreate Eden?
May be deep within our soul we have the image imprinted, the scents embedded of a wonderful past, happy childhood of human race. That may explain why we feel so happy and close to God when we work in the garden- just sit and look around or even just listen with eyes closed- it feels like heaven! Of course, isn't that the inner-most motivation buried under all the worldly worries- seek heaven-peace, unconditional love and happiness?

We all do have a piece of heaven in our own garden!

-by VeeraMahal FRANKLIN

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