Remember the Hawk couple nesting in our neighborhood!
All of a sudden it struck me that the Hawk couple might be using our Bird Bath. I did not have to wait too long-once I started keeping my eyes open. You should have seen it to believe;Hawks frolicking in my birdie bath! All I have are these mere pictures.
At noon on a hot July day, a Hawk sat still at the edge of the bath for at least ten minutes before turning its head 360 scanning the area. Finally, sliding into the bath graciously (or in Hawk's term CAUTIOUSLY), started dipping and splashing around. I wondered where did all this water come from; I never realized my bird bath held that much water. Once the coast was clear the partner joined in. I am pretty sure he or she kept watch from a tree branch up above. I was on the porch hiding behind the butterfly bush and the Honeysuckles.
They are huge birds and I have sadly witnessed their ferocious appetite and the feeble calls of victimized birdie babies. But, it was a rare sight to witness these birds of prey frolicking in my birdie bath like any of the other backyard birds. Soon they forgot themselves and were like children in the swimming pool.
What an amazing sight! They spent nearly half-an-hour bathing. I wished then... I had a better camera-so I could zoom in from far away. May be Santa will bring me one for this Christmas!
But, as suddenly as they came to the neighborhood in March-the Hawks have left suddenly and quietly in early August. That story is for another time!
-by VeeraMahal Franklin
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