Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Time Still

Time Still

Around the Dial
Touching each moment

                                                                      One Violet at a time                                                                                                                           Dandelions bright amidst the grass                                                                                                                      Sun is home in my garden!                                                                                                                                              - VeerajaR


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Friday, March 26, 2021



If you have not done.... Yoga - Start Today!
Beleive me....You have done it before - every baby & toddler growing up have done it! 
Only as adults our life-style fix us all day long to the Desk & chair or at home plopped in the sofa!
WAKE UP.... Don't Loose Yourself in the rat-race!
I saw this on the TV the other day.... and I thought there is HOPE! 
Yoga is ancient as the Indian Sub-Continent Civilization. It is not just for Yogi's in the Himalayas nor it is an Aerobics taught at a Gym in the West.

It has been a way of life of all peoples of the Indian Culture. Part of daily Morning & Evening Rituals of all peoples - is Sooriya Vannakam (Namaskar - Sanskrit). 

After bath & before breakfast ancient people of Eastern cultures used to face the rising sun and 
Taking full breaths - chanted THANKs in Appreciation of the sun for showing up. 
For the promise of a New day!
Shouldn't we too?

Let's Be Our True Selves 
connected - (not to the Office Chair, but) - to the Universe!

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