Friday, December 31, 2021


Copyright©2021VeeraMahal Franklin 

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Ghosts - 2021


 Copyright©2021VeeraMahal Franklin 

Thursday, September 30, 2021



    - Poem by VeerajaR

How could this be

Against all Odds

The last thing

I'd have ever thought

Befall what I behold 

Knowing all that I know

Teaching all What I know

To all 

Family or not

Friend or not

Did what I could

To warn many

To heal many

How could this be

Like an Eclipse

Even the Sun 

Against all odds

Couldn't escape!

Copyright©2021VeeraMahal Franklin 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Fruits Of Labor2021

Fruits Of Labor2021
I have lost the Species info on this Grape... Not Concord. These fruits are tart and outr favourite. This year no black dots or rot of fruits. 
Peaches Pretty much rippen by July... Mostly harvested by squirells, a Chipmunk & Bunny rabbits

and we enjoyed the visual... virtual Beauty of the bountiful Peach tree!

  Copyright©2021VeeraMahal Franklin 

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Organic Garden Salad

  Copyright©2021VeeraMahal Franklin 

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Bounty -2021

BOUNTY -2021
Blueberries, Strawberries & Rasberries
In Bounty Reap years of toiling

The soil breathing... 

and bursting with Berries

Juicy and Plumpy bounty

Birds & chipmunks in pairs

Frolicking too Happily

Care not o stop 

And take a bite!

 Copyright©2021VeeraMahal Franklin 

Monday, May 31, 2021

Green Apples - 2021


Granny green Apples
set from the Pink
blooms of Spring
Only because 
the Bumble bees
paid them visit

Glad there's not
a mask mandate
for either the bloooms
or bumble bees!
       - by VeerajaR


Copyright©2021VeeraMahal Franklin 

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Time Still

Time Still

Around the Dial
Touching each moment

                                                                      One Violet at a time                                                                                                                           Dandelions bright amidst the grass                                                                                                                      Sun is home in my garden!                                                                                                                                              - VeerajaR


                                                             Copyright©2021VeeraMahal Franklin                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


Friday, March 26, 2021



If you have not done.... Yoga - Start Today!
Beleive me....You have done it before - every baby & toddler growing up have done it! 
Only as adults our life-style fix us all day long to the Desk & chair or at home plopped in the sofa!
WAKE UP.... Don't Loose Yourself in the rat-race!
I saw this on the TV the other day.... and I thought there is HOPE! 
Yoga is ancient as the Indian Sub-Continent Civilization. It is not just for Yogi's in the Himalayas nor it is an Aerobics taught at a Gym in the West.

It has been a way of life of all peoples of the Indian Culture. Part of daily Morning & Evening Rituals of all peoples - is Sooriya Vannakam (Namaskar - Sanskrit). 

After bath & before breakfast ancient people of Eastern cultures used to face the rising sun and 
Taking full breaths - chanted THANKs in Appreciation of the sun for showing up. 
For the promise of a New day!
Shouldn't we too?

Let's Be Our True Selves 
connected - (not to the Office Chair, but) - to the Universe!

                                                       Copyright©2021VeeraMahal Franklin

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Griddle JOYs


What you see is What you get...

And I like to pick your brain:

Picture is worth thousand words they say!

Embelished Thosai - A Production by VRa

Copyright©2021VeeraMahal Franklin

Friday, January 15, 2021

PONGAL 2021 - Traditions & Recipe

PONGAL Traditions & Recipe

🙏Thai Pongal was unfortunately not celebrated by Christians - though may own paddy fields & thus harvest. The Hindus only Celebrated regardless of profession. We used to get quite a lot of Pongal servings from teachers & student families living nearby. We the children grade them according to our liking.Traditionally, men are supposed to put the rice in the pot with milk to boil. My mother had convinced me - it is not a religious tradition (as we were made to believe ) and we should be celebrating the Paddy Harvest. Since, I enjoy/ Celebrate Thai Pongal!

New Clay Pot 

-placed on Three prong makeshift fire-place in the middle of "Kolam ( design made on the courtyard floor - with colored Rice flour & shredded coconut)

Boil Cows milk Or Coconut milk

Put washed Red Rice ( made from first bunch harvested from the fields)

Add Roasted Mung bean

As Rice cooks & softens and milk over flows... towards the rising sun 

                                          ( slightly lowered towards East)

Add Coconut or Palmyrah Jaggery

Raisins & Cashew nuts

Cadomoms & Nutmeg

A scoop of Ghee or Butter (AU or Irish)

Serve on Green Banana Leaves - 

First to Honor the SUN

Then Ancestors - in Prayer room

Then Children, Family & Friends


💝Happy Thai Pongal🌟🙏

 Copyright©2021VeeraMahal Franklin