Thursday, December 31, 2020

Favourite Things @ Christmas

Favourite Things


Yule-log Cake, 

Mutton Rolls, 

Rib-Eye Roast, 

Brown-Rice Noodles/Singapore Street noodle style, 

Liquor Filled Chocolates.... 

These Are A Few of My Favourite Things!

 Copyright©2020VeeraMahal Franklin

Monday, December 7, 2020

The Backyard Migrants


Copyright©2020VeeraMahal Franklin

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Cairns Meditation

CAIRNS MEDITAION - Poem & Photo by VeerajaR

"Cairns: Stacking or balancing of rocks... of different shapes, size & colors. Cairns building takes a lots patience & focus. I do find it very meditative... as every rock presents a challenge. It is a delicate process and the whole structure can come down collapsing. If you are very attentive you can build taller cairns. Though unpredictable at every step, the structure is beautifully unique every time. The more I can stack the more AWE I feel... Just like Challenges we face in Life bring out our inner strength - our Souls to experience Life (stack/build) the real JOY of BEING & LIVING!" - VeerajaR  

 Copyright©2020VeeraMahal Franklin 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Butter Your Bread

  Spread the Butter... Share the Love for Family, Friends & Yoga!!! 
 Copyright©2020VeeraMahal Franklin


Friday, September 11, 2020

Pandemic Foraging - 2020


We are the ignored...
We are the long forgotten 
Dandelions, Chickweeds, Amaranthus & many more
Come find us & the treasured secrets of Life - we hold

We were brought across the oceans
Bound & tossed aboard the ships
in pouches & satchets
We held the aroma of motherland
close to our breast
We nurished the lonely hearts
of the early sea farer
We healed the aching wounds
of the foracious land-stakers
We were Food,Tea &Tincture
for the settlers as they called themselves

Now history of settlers & immigration long forgotten 
Modern farming with no balance
No bulls to plow or graze or recycle, yet 
Suburbans kill anything other than grass
Weeded out & thrown away
As intruders in the current scheme of civilized world
We still persist and thrive peacefully
Take root by the wayside or anywhere we could

For it is GOD's will...
That we the forgotten should not forget
How important we are
For the survival of Humanity
For the sake of Mother earth
We shall prevail with patience
Though blamed as the undesirable intruders
Weeds or immigrants!

-by VeerajaR


 Copyright©2020VeeraMahal Franklin

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Leafy Leaks On Kitchen Window

During pandemic every bit of food item is precious. Especially, fresh green vegetables... Here is how I grew leaks from the cut out stump we normally throw out. All you need is patience, water & preferably kitchen window sill or Florescent light would be fine. 

Note the roots & the growth above the cut end of stump, almost a foot after 1&1/2 weeks. You can use it to flavor your soup of if you prefer, you can plant it in a pot. it can provide you regular size leaves and even flower and bear seeds to expand your garden

 Copyright©2020VeeraMahal Franklin

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Cucumber Pest

Pest control the organic way.... Diligent checking of the leaf undersides & removal by hand (tissues) & applying Neem powder to affected leafs & pinched stalks. The bugs were carefully wrapped in tissues & flushed in toilet, Good Bye!
Copyright©2020VeeraMahal Franklin


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Organic Harvest

Every little effort counts.... 
One little produce harvested 
though may have a worm hole - is worth every bite in gold!!!

 Copyright©2020VeeraMahal Franklin

Friday, April 3, 2020

My Rumi's Shams

And to you, my mentor
For freeing me from doubt, like a breeze
To trust and let the words flow
Filling the empty spaces, from my soul
Like that divine intervention of Shams
Freed relentless mystic verses out of Rumi
The flame you roused in my soul
Will dance unhindered 
Copyright©2020VeeraMahal Franklin