Thursday, December 29, 2016

Stress Trumps Cholesterol

Stress Trumps Cholesterol
As risk factors  affecting Heart Health, we all hear about Cholesterol, lack of exercise and smoking. On life style changes to improve health we keep hearing about eating healthy, regular exercise, cholesterol. blood pressure control and not smoking. 

Do you know that one could get a heart attack (from blocked coronary arteries), even if cholesterol is low, blood pressure is controlled with medication, execised regulary and have health eating habits?

Yes! Stress is not widely discussed as a risk factor... But stress alone can bring on a heart attack! Beware Workaholics!!!   '

And those caught up in the modern fast-paced  ROI focused workforce well-being insentive companies (including health care industry) pushing unreasonable Oroborus deadlines -- the honest hardworking healthy individuals, can and do end up over time (yes, pun intended) with stress induced heart attacks (years ahead of time)! Sadly. Work place Well=Being is still a low priority in our advanced (time is money culture) country.

Consider youself warned that Stress trumps Cholesterol as a risk factor for Heart attack!

Copyright©2016VeeraMahal Franklin

Monday, October 31, 2016


Pray for us & those that need our prayers

Copyright©2016VeeraMahal Franklin

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Grape Harvest 2016

Copyright©2016VeeraMahal Franklin

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Sugar-White Destine

What's with white sands
And the playful waves
That bring the purest joy! PoetryCopyright2016VeerajaR

Copyright©2016VeeraMahal Franklin

Thursday, June 30, 2016

St. Philip Altar

On June Twenty Fifth...  

A Beautiful sight!  

THANKS Be to GOD Almighty!!!
 Copyright©2016VeeraMahal Franklin                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Tuesday, May 31, 2016


In My Garden Real Food Series....
Can you identify,  the Curry leaf plant, Cayene Peppers, Egg plants, Habanero peppers?
(& of course Maggie - not in food category)

Copyright©2016VeeraMahal Franklin

Friday, April 29, 2016

Brave Encounter

There's no match for Maggie. Even after a few previous encounters & having been bitten...
She's the brave one. Could count on her to protect & look out for us!

We pray to GOD to keep her safe....

Copyright©2016VeeraMahal Franklin

Monday, February 29, 2016

Happy Leap Year

Leap Year! Leap Year!
Who came up with this dear?

If you are born on this year
Wait another four years

Just to celebrate my dear
Your first birthday... Oh, dear!
Copyright©2016VeeraMahal Franklin