Wednesday, August 28, 2013

JOY of BEING Book Release!

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'JOY of BEING' gets Raving Reviews...

In clear, pure, simple words, VeerajaR’s poems pay tribute to the divine.  She looks to the day by day natural world for evidence, taking butterflies, snowflakes...... 

Nothing seems so small it cannot evoke connection to God.

...... After reading this book, we understand why when asked: “O tell us, poet, what do you do?”  VeerajaR, like Rilke, might very well answer,  “I praise.”

Victoria Clausi, 
Associate Director
Bennington Writing Seminars 

Copyright©2013VeeraMahal Franklin

Friday, August 9, 2013

A Farmer's Plight

This is our limited farming tool that we are proud to own and use. Yes, that's beets, mint and southeast Asian spinach (red spikes/blooms) in pots!

Regardless of whether in pots or on ground, the plants seem to thrive in proportion to the attention we render...

Attention seems to be the universal rule!
Copyright©2013VeeraMahal Franklin