Saturday, September 29, 2012

Chicken Ordinance!

At least this child knows the chicken and eggs don't just come from the fridge...
Hooray... to Chicken Ordinance!!!

Copyright©2012VeeraMahal Franklin

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Civil War Anthology: Poetry & Fiction

YOU all are Invited! 

Come meet the authors and hear them read and recite from the book!
Please share the flyer with your friends...

Copyright©2012VeeraMahal Franklin

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Haiku TRIBUTE for Dr. Denis M. O'Day:

Dr. O'Day-
Kindness, wit and smile
Sparkling in his eyes, forever...
He will cheer us on!
Poetry Copyright©2012VeeraMahal Franklin

"Humble and Kind"
You will be dearly missed, Dr. O'Day!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Parking a Mocking Bird!

Is this what "Mocking" means?

Parked on "No Parking" making a statement?

Copyright©2012VeeraMahal Franklin