Rummage Sale!
What is it?
Learning to let go-or
Searching for nostalgic trinkets
What is it?
Clearing the clutter-or
Hunting for treasure
What is it...
That nudges us to rummage
Sweating on a hot summer day?
A Foreign Experience:
Arrived newly in America-everything
Seemed big except the apartment
Where went all the space and air?
Bought you a hair dryer, my husband said.
Cost me only a dollar at 'Rummage' sale! I
Exclaimed: Duty free shops, then, ripping us off?
Good Deal for Young Mothers:
Two dollars said the teenager-for
Tantalizing silver robot with
Batteries and all, eyes lighting up!
Two year old of mine, lifting up the
Toy, held him close tenderly. Wide-
Eyed, he brought home a buddy!
My First Very Own Rummage Sale:
Ten dollars said the sticker
For the dress on my favorite wicker
Displaying the goods. To my
Dismay, the bargainer would not
Buy the dress, but only my wicker piece
For half the sticker price.
Copyright ©2010 by VeeraMahal Franklin. All Rights Reserved.