Life Springs in My Garden
--by VeeraMahal FRANKLINMarch has marched on with snow storms rivaling white Christmas scenes. Once, within a matter of an hour our backyard was transformed into a scenic painting on a Christmas postcard. We do welcome the occasional snow in the south, knowing very well it is not here to stay more than a day or two. Like a beautiful dream it would all vanish once the morning sun is out shining bright.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Spring Buzz Around My Garden
As soon as the snow was gone the weeds were trying to take over- but my little garden-angel made them look magical. If you look closely, they do have cute flowers and the only problem is that they grow where we do not want them to. Some times I wonder whether to give them a space because some small white butterflies seem to love these plants that we call weeds!
Spring is on…. Spring is on!
Life seems to spring around our garden. The plum we planted six years ago and the peach I added only last year showed buds, within days after the snowstorm. The resilience of the flora is amazing. Not that the fauna is lagging behind. Just as I was crouched down to snap the peach blossoms, I heard a thud and was amazed to see a royal visitor. Perched regally on my favorite old tree this majestic bird of prey captivated me. But, the blogger in me alerted me to take advantage of this unexpected opportunity and I managed to shoot a picture of this historic moment.
I believe it is a hawk!
If you look carefully, you can see the twig she or he broke off my tree. This was the first time I ever saw one in our yard. Now I see the pair swooping down so majestically, only to pick up twigs and what not, to build their nest in the pine tree next door. While I am admiring this majestic pair, I have mixed feelings and fear for the freedom of the song birds visiting my feeder.
Garden Springs
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Praise Hymn
Praise at The Highest Pitch!
Happy Easter everyone!
We did have a great Easter-despite the fact our kids are little grown up for Easter egg hunt. It is great to have the kids come home for spring break - to just relax, chat, cook and eat together. The weather was so great and sunny; the kids even grilled some salmon out in the porch.
Today as we were going to church, I got a glimpse of my sons-they did look very handsome in their formal suits with tie. Just a few years back, I remember having a big tug-a-war before church because, my older son would not wear anything other than a rip/torn denim with a worn out T’shirt. Being parents we felt helpless and very upset. Today, he had been bugging his younger sister that she should wear dress-not jeans and sweater. She looked cute in her dress, too. Troubles, big and small at all phases of life are learning experience -children and parents do grow together wiser and closer, but with a wider boundary.
The church was packed and as usual we just made it in time. That meant we had to stand throughout the mass. It didn’t matter-I felt very happy to be there with my family thanking God, singing his Glory at high pitch. My son “J” nudged at me signaling “keep it down”, I nudged him back which meant “it is alright to give HIM Thanks and Praise (including singing at high pitch).” I felt like the child I once was who believed that higher your singing-pitch is, higher and faster your prayer gets to God.
Just then the usher stopped by and requested us, as a family, to bring the Gifts and the Holy sacraments to “The Alter”. What an honor-especially, at the Easter morning service when the church is overflowing with so many beautiful and most deserving families? The child in me-my soul, jumped with joy-"See…See, HE heard you, heard you sing at high pitch!" I felt so blessed carrying the gifts and Holy sacraments with my family to “The Alter”-it was as if God was telling me “I did hear you my child!” I guess, HE does want me to sing at my highest pitch and keep nudging back to my son “J.”
-by VeeraMahal FRANKLIN
Friday, March 21, 2008
My KaleidoParakeets
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These are my Parakeets-B'Day present from my son "J" two years back. They are cute,very lively and intelligent!
Birds at Home
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Tug at Our Hearts
Ok! I have pictures of these two cuties on my blog and they deserve some intro. The yellow one is our three year old lab, Maggie who grew so big before we blinked! Even though we got her at 8weeks of age, we kind of feel- we missed her puppyhood! She might run the house, if we let her- she’s too smart.
The little guy “Cookie & Cream” on the other hand, is a genius! I say it in present tense; how can I not? He stole my heart, within the two short weeks he was staying with us. My son “J” sneaked him in to our backyard and conspiring with my daughter to raise him. Before long, I was let into the secret. He had found the stray puppy trying to cross the road, right in front of his car. So, he had picked him up and since he could not find anybody that might be looking for the puppy, he brought him home.
Before long the adopted pup was trying to breastfeed on Maggie, and I guess that spurred her motherly instinct; she picked him up and helped him down the stairs. It was an amazing sight-too late to reach for the camera. Despite his predicament, the puppy was so energetic and full of life and I loved him already. With his deep blue eyes, he tugged at my heart.
The kids were excited and wanted to keep him. I had no doubt that he is for keeps. But, I knew better. Despite their promises the kids will soon leave the responsibility to us, the parents. With all the rat-race of daily routines, we would not be able to give him the attention or the space he needs. So, as much as we loved him, it was decided and arranged that “cookie & cream” would be taken to the animal shelter.
Two full weeks past, before that transition happened. He went with a big sac of puppy chow, his sleeping basket & blanket. We just watched with heavy hearts, until the caravan was out of sight. This is the busy world we had created for ourselves, I thought.
Strangely, the house seemed quiet and empty. Maggie kept sniffing and licking her toy she shared with the puppy. Then, all of a sudden she went and put her head close to the vent as she lay down. Maggie never liked the vents! It was the genius “cookie & cream” who liked to lay his head right on to the vent, letting the cool A/C , blow straight on his face. I could tell that Maggie missed him. He was such a handful, always enticing her and us to play with him. Even now, as I write this-I feel him tugging at my heart!
I am sure he is making some blessed household feel loved and lively! I can never forget that little puppy with deep blue eyes. He will forever remain a puppy to us; young and lively, tugging at our hearts!
The little guy “Cookie & Cream” on the other hand, is a genius! I say it in present tense; how can I not? He stole my heart, within the two short weeks he was staying with us. My son “J” sneaked him in to our backyard and conspiring with my daughter to raise him. Before long, I was let into the secret. He had found the stray puppy trying to cross the road, right in front of his car. So, he had picked him up and since he could not find anybody that might be looking for the puppy, he brought him home.
Before long the adopted pup was trying to breastfeed on Maggie, and I guess that spurred her motherly instinct; she picked him up and helped him down the stairs. It was an amazing sight-too late to reach for the camera. Despite his predicament, the puppy was so energetic and full of life and I loved him already. With his deep blue eyes, he tugged at my heart.
The kids were excited and wanted to keep him. I had no doubt that he is for keeps. But, I knew better. Despite their promises the kids will soon leave the responsibility to us, the parents. With all the rat-race of daily routines, we would not be able to give him the attention or the space he needs. So, as much as we loved him, it was decided and arranged that “cookie & cream” would be taken to the animal shelter.
Two full weeks past, before that transition happened. He went with a big sac of puppy chow, his sleeping basket & blanket. We just watched with heavy hearts, until the caravan was out of sight. This is the busy world we had created for ourselves, I thought.
Strangely, the house seemed quiet and empty. Maggie kept sniffing and licking her toy she shared with the puppy. Then, all of a sudden she went and put her head close to the vent as she lay down. Maggie never liked the vents! It was the genius “cookie & cream” who liked to lay his head right on to the vent, letting the cool A/C , blow straight on his face. I could tell that Maggie missed him. He was such a handful, always enticing her and us to play with him. Even now, as I write this-I feel him tugging at my heart!
I am sure he is making some blessed household feel loved and lively! I can never forget that little puppy with deep blue eyes. He will forever remain a puppy to us; young and lively, tugging at our hearts!
Puppy forever
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
At Heaven's Edge
Winter's Mirage
Fluffy snow fluttering like
White confetti, Pine
Bluffs silhouette like Angels
Blanketed in soft crystals
Shuffled are the horizons
Seams all broken
Ruffled in winter’s mirage
R’ Earth and heaven’s edge
- Poetry by VeeraMahal Franklin
Poetry by VeeraMahal Franklin
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