-By VeeraMahal FRANKLIN
Being a woman and trying to do it all is not easy, especially juggling career, school and babies is extremely challenging. Amidst all this, even to think of breastfeeding the baby could be mind-boggling! Remember, breastfeeding is what nature intended and endowed all women with beautiful curves. Being attractive is only a bonus package!
Being a woman and trying to do it all is not easy, especially juggling career, school and babies is extremely challenging. Amidst all this, even to think of breastfeeding the baby could be mind-boggling! Remember, breastfeeding is what nature intended and endowed all women with beautiful curves. Being attractive is only a bonus package!
We don’t mind about our pets, our cattle breastfeeding their young. When we are so kind to animals why would we want to deny our own babies their birthright to breastfeed? In the eastern cultures, right to breastfeed is not taken for granted; it is the unwritten law, the norm. Civilized, modernized liberated woman does not have to resonate with denial of birthright to breastfeed. As women it is also your birthright, to be able to bear children and nourish them the best way - the way nature intended, even while pursuing a career. There is much more support than ever before for breastfeeding mothers, at the government legislative level, and through the medical community.
Take it upon yourself to educate yourself, especially your husband and immediate family members. Reach out to friends, supervisors and administrators at your workplace and community for support. You may be the first one to bring up the issue at workplace, or even at a restaurant and raise a few eye browse. But, persevere! Pave the way for a better humanity. Breastfeeding is your birthright and your baby’s!
All Rights Reserved, - by VeeraMahal FRANKLIN
Recent News on Breastfeeding Issues:
Health Department promotes work place breastfeeding –Oklahoma City,
Associated Press-Feb. 7, 2008
MPs allowed to vote while breastfeed- Herald Sun.com. Au- Feb. 11, 2008
Check Sites on Breastfeeding Advice: