Sunday, September 29, 2024

Reigning Nature

Magic of creation
at the finger tip
the reigning queen
of Nature!

 Copyright©2024VeeraMahal Franklin

Wednesday, September 25, 2024



Life is challenging...

Yet, Living is Joyful

When you learn 

To be like a child                                                                             

Copyright©2024VeeraMahal Franklin

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Camphor Herb 2024

 Every house with children 

should have 'Katpooravali' 

the camphor herb growing in pots!

  • Copyright©2024VeeraMahal Franklin

  • Saturday, August 31, 2024

    Summer Dance -2024

     Summer Dance -2014

    Garden thrived 

    without the gardener

    like a forest

    seeds that fell last year


    As we tend

    to our new grand baby

    and life's timely demands

    the passion found

    its way through

    the hotchilies & curry 

    leaves' hardystems to shoot

    purple blooms for the bumble bees

    The long beans smile carefreeand purple 

    to yield their slender pods 

    entwined by the redness of hearts 

    the leaves that purple yams proudly display

    their ridged stems reach upwards

    gracefully like the delicate hands 

    of a twirling balerina 

    The Roses of sharon applaude 
    from their luxury booth under the shade
    dressed in their layers of chiffons! 
     - by JOYPOET

    Copyright©2024VeeraMahal Franklin

    Wednesday, August 7, 2024

    Summer Garden - 2024


    Copyright©2024VeeraMahal Franklin

    Tuesday, June 18, 2024

    On The Porch

    On The Porch

    On the porch
    a gazeboo
    wind chimes
    in the middle of nature
    the leaves flutter
    bird calls and chirps
    add to the peace 
    under the hot sun
    dog at my feet
    I reign....
    -Poem by JoyPoet VeerajaR

    Copyright©2024VeeraMahal Franklin



    Friday, June 14, 2024

    Backyard Berry Jam


    What can be more...
    Organic than our own backyard fruits
    that we manage to harvest
    kindly leftover 
    by the Squirrels, birds & the lonely Chipmunk...
    Let's Enjoy!
     Copyright©2024VeeraMahal Franklin